One Up


Sailed: 10, Discards: 2, To count: 8, Entries: 28, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10 Total Nett
1 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 1.0 5.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 (12.0) 1.0 1.0 2.0 (8.0) 35.0 15.0
2 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 (7.0) 2.0 2.0 3.0 (7.0) 30.0 16.0
3 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 3.0 2.0 5.0 (29.0 RET) (6.0) 1.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 55.0 20.0
4 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD (5.0) 3.0 2.0 (5.0) 3.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 38.0 28.0
5 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW (13.0) (9.0) 6.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 9.0 65.0 43.0
6 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD (22.0) 7.0 9.0 2.0 10.0 11.0 15.0 6.0 9.0 (16.0) 107.0 69.0
7 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 10.0 10.0 7.0 12.0 11.0 (17.0) (19.0) 8.0 6.0 6.0 106.0 70.0
8 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave QLD 9.0 6.0 14.0 6.0 13.0 9.0 (17.0) (17.0) 16.0 5.0 112.0 78.0
9 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 15.0 8.0 10.0 (20.0) 15.0 6.0 8.0 (21.0) 7.0 13.0 123.0 82.0
10 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 4.0 4.0 4.0 10.0 4.0 (29.0 RET) (29.0 DNC) 29.0 DNC 29.0 NSC 2.0 144.0 86.0
11 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS (23.0) (21.0) 11.0 9.0 17.0 16.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 12.0 135.0 91.0
12 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd QLD 6.0 19.0 (22.0) (22.0) 9.0 10.0 7.0 18.0 11.5 OOD 11.5 OOD 136.0 92.0
13 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William QLD 11.0 14.0 15.0 7.0 12.0 (22.0) 5.0 10.0 19.0 (21.0) 136.0 93.0
14 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW (29.0 NSC) 13.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 3.0 16.0 12.0 (29.0 DNC) 29.0 DNC 155.0 97.0
15 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 17.0 (29.0 RET) (29.0 DNC) 29.0 DNC 7.0 8.0 11.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 157.0 99.0
16 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 12.0 15.0 16.0 (25.0) 16.0 2.0 (23.0) 15.0 13.0 14.0 151.0 103.0
17   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 8.0 12.0 (20.0) 15.0 14.0 (19.0) 12.0 13.0 11.0 19.0 143.0 104.0
18 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 16.0 17.0 18.0 14.0 (19.0) 14.0 13.0 16.0 (29.0 OCS) 4.0 160.0 112.0
19 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo QLD 19.0 11.0 13.0 (23.0) (22.0) 18.0 10.0 19.0 12.0 15.0 162.0 117.0
20 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 24.0 18.0 (25.0) 17.0 (25.0) 15.0 21.0 11.0 15.0 11.0 182.0 132.0
21 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 18.0 20.0 19.0 16.0 (21.0) (21.0) 14.0 14.0 20.0 18.0 181.0 139.0
22 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 14.0 (22.0) 21.0 21.0 18.0 13.0 20.0 (23.0) 18.0 22.0 192.0 147.0
23 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill QLD 21.0 (23.0) 23.0 13.0 (24.0) 20.0 22.0 22.0 14.0 17.0 199.0 152.0
24 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 20.0 (25.0) (24.0) 18.0 20.0 24.0 18.0 20.0 17.0 20.0 206.0 157.0
25 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic 7.0 16.0 17.0 11.0 (29.0 RET) (29.0 DNC) 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 225.0 167.0
26 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD 26.0 24.0 12.0 19.0 23.0 23.0 (29.0 RET) (29.0 DNC) 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 243.0 185.0
27 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 25.0 26.0 26.0 24.0 (29.0 RET) (29.0 RET) 29.0 DNC 24.0 29.0 OCS 23.0 264.0 206.0
28 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard QLD (29.0 RET) (29.0 DNC) 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 29.0 DNC 290.0 232.0

2 up


Sailed: 10, Sailed: 10, Discards: 2, To count: 8, Entries: 28, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10 Total Nett
1 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 3.0 (4.0) 1.0 2.0 1.0 (4.0) 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 21.0 13.0
2 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 1.0 (3.0) (3.0) 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 21.0 15.0
3 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 2.0 1.0 2.0 (4.0) 2.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 (6.0) 2.0 28.0 18.0
4 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 4.0 2.0 6.0 (7.0) 4.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 (7.0) 44.0 30.0
5 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW (6.0) (5.0) 4.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 44.0 33.0
6 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld (9.0 NSC) 6.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 6.0 (9.0 DNC) 4.0 5.0 63.0 45.0
7 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 5.0 7.0 7.0 5.0 6.0 (9.0 DSQ) 7.0 6.0 7.0 (8.0) 67.0 50.0
8 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld (9.0 RET) (9.0 DNC) 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 9.0 DNC 8.0 6.0 86.0 68.0

Race 1 - One Up - 31.12.23 at 1200

Distance: .5, Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12-15
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.28.31 0.18.31 1.0
2 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.28.45 0.18.45 2.0
3 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.28.50 0.18.50 3.0
4 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 00.10.00 00.29.00 0.19.00 4.0
5 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.29.13 0.19.13 5.0
6 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.29.59 0.19.59 6.0
7 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic 00.10.00 00.30.20 0.20.20 7.0
8   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.30.21 0.20.21 8.0
9 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.30.22 0.20.22 9.0
10 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.31.09 0.21.09 10.0
11 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.31.21 0.21.21 11.0
12 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.31.26 0.21.26 12.0
13 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.31.32 0.21.32 13.0
14 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.31.41 0.21.41 14.0
15 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.31.55 0.21.55 15.0
16 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.32.15 0.22.15 16.0
17 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.10.00 00.32.18 0.22.18 17.0
18 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.32.27 0.22.27 18.0
19 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.32.29 0.22.29 19.0
20 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.32.34 0.22.34 20.0
21 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.32.41 0.22.41 21.0
22 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.32.56 0.22.56 22.0
23 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.33.02 0.23.02 23.0
24 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.33.23 0.23.23 24.0
25 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 00.10.00 00.33.47 0.23.47 25.0
26 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD 00.10.00 00.38.39 0.28.39 26.0
27 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.29.39 NSC 29.0
27 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     RET 29.0

Race 2 - One Up - 31.12.23 at 1256

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.30.02 0.20.02 1.0
2 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.30.22 0.20.22 2.0
3 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.31.06 0.21.06 3.0
4 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 00.10.00 00.31.16 0.21.16 4.0
5 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.32.01 0.22.01 5.0
6 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.32.17 0.22.17 6.0
7 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.32.19 0.22.19 7.0
8 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.32.26 0.22.26 8.0
9 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.32.33 0.22.33 9.0
10 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.32.38 0.22.38 10.0
11 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.32.41 0.22.41 11.0
12   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.32.43 0.22.43 12.0
13 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.32.51 0.22.51 13.0
14 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.32.55 0.22.55 14.0
15 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.33.05 0.23.05 15.0
16 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic 00.10.00 00.33.16 0.23.16 16.0
17 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.33.41 0.23.41 17.0
18 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.33.43 0.23.43 18.0
19 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.33.56 0.23.56 19.0
20 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.33.59 0.23.59 20.0
21 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.34.13 0.24.13 21.0
22 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.34.32 0.24.32 22.0
23 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.35.27 0.25.27 23.0
24 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD 00.10.00 00.35.58 0.25.58 24.0
25 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.36.36 0.26.36 25.0
26 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 00.10.00 00.39.23 0.29.23 26.0
27 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.10.00   RET 29.0
27 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 3 - One Up - 31.12.23 at 13.45

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.32.34 0.22.34 1.0
2 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.32.46 0.22.46 2.0
3 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.33.07 0.23.07 3.0
4 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 00.10.00 00.33.14 0.23.14 4.0
5 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.33.58 0.23.58 5.0
6 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.34.23 0.24.23 6.0
7 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.34.33 0.24.33 7.0
8 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.34.50 0.24.50 8.0
9 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.35.03 0.25.03 9.0
10 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.35.39 0.25.39 10.0
11 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.36.06 0.26.06 11.0
12 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD 00.10.00 00.36.16 0.26.16 12.0
13 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.36.48 0.26.48 13.0
14 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.37.07 0.27.07 14.0
15 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.37.31 0.27.31 15.0
16 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.37.44 0.27.44 16.0
17 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic 00.10.00 00.37.48 0.27.48 17.0
18 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.38.12 0.28.12 18.0
19 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.38.25 0.28.25 19.0
20   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.38.33 0.28.33 20.0
21 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.38.52 0.28.52 21.0
22 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.39.13 0.29.13 22.0
23 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.39.38 0.29.38 23.0
24 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.40.10 0.30.10 24.0
25 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.40.13 0.30.13 25.0
26 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 00.10.00 00.46.11 0.36.11 26.0
27 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 4 - One Up - 31.12.23 at 1442

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.27.38 0.17.38 1.0
2 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.27.44 0.17.44 2.0
3 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.27.46 0.17.46 3.0
4 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.28.01 0.18.01 4.0
5 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.28.04 0.18.04 5.0
6 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.28.30 0.18.30 6.0
7 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.28.54 0.18.54 7.0
8 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.29.00 0.19.00 8.0
9 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.29.04 0.19.04 9.0
10 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 00.10.00 00.29.09 0.19.09 10.0
11 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic 00.10.00 00.29.31 0.19.31 11.0
12 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.29.39 0.19.39 12.0
13 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.29.40 0.19.40 13.0
14 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.30.44 0.20.44 14.0
15   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.30.53 0.20.53 15.0
16 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.30.58 0.20.58 16.0
17 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.31.03 0.21.03 17.0
18 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.31.10 0.21.10 18.0
19 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD 00.10.00 00.31.17 0.21.17 19.0
20 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.31.19 0.21.19 20.0
21 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.31.39 0.21.39 21.0
22 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.31.49 0.21.49 22.0
23 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.31.56 0.21.56 23.0
24 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 00.10.00 00.31.58 0.21.58 24.0
25 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.32.01 0.22.01 25.0
26 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD     RET 29.0
26 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 5 - 0ne Up - 03.01.24 at 1200

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.36.27 0.26.27 1.0
2 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.36.43 0.26.43 2.0
3 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.36.46 0.26.46 3.0
4 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 00.10.00 00.36.57 0.26.57 4.0
5 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.37.31 0.27.31 5.0
6 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.37.48 0.27.48 6.0
7 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.10.00 00.37.50 0.27.50 7.0
8 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.38.13 0.28.13 8.0
9 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.39.51 0.29.51 9.0
10 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.40.02 0.30.02 10.0
11 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.40.07 0.30.07 11.0
12 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.40.17 0.30.17 12.0
13 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.40.21 0.30.21 13.0
14   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.40.36 0.30.36 14.0
15 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.40.47 0.30.47 15.0
16 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.40.50 0.30.50 16.0
17 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.40.52 0.30.52 17.0
18 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.42.02 0.32.02 18.0
19 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.42.14 0.32.14 19.0
20 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.42.20 0.32.20 20.0
21 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.43.10 0.33.10 21.0
22 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.43.18 0.33.18 22.0
23 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD 00.10.00 00.43.28 0.33.28 23.0
24 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.43.35 0.33.35 24.0
25 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.43.37 0.33.37 25.0
26 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic     RET 29.0
26 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW     RET 29.0
26 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 6 - One Up - 03.01.24 at 1257

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.36.02 0.26.02 1.0
2 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.36.38 0.26.38 2.0
3 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.36.52 0.26.52 3.0
4 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.36.58 0.26.58 4.0
5 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.37.02 0.27.02 5.0
6 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.37.17 0.27.17 6.0
7 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.37.24 0.27.24 7.0
8 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.10.00 00.37.40 0.27.40 8.0
9 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.37.56 0.27.56 9.0
10 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.38.03 0.28.03 10.0
11 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.38.05 0.28.05 11.0
12 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.38.15 0.28.15 12.0
13 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.38.18 0.28.18 13.0
14 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.38.24 0.28.24 14.0
15 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.38.34 0.28.34 15.0
16 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.38.43 0.28.43 16.0
17 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.38.47 0.28.47 17.0
18 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.38.52 0.28.52 18.0
19   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.39.38 0.29.38 19.0
20 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.40.00 0.30.00 20.0
21 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.40.06 0.30.06 21.0
22 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.40.23 0.30.23 22.0
23 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD 00.10.00 00.40.34 0.30.34 23.0
24 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.41.07 0.31.07 24.0
25 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD     RET 29.0
25 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic 00.10.00   DNC 29.0
25 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW     RET 29.0
25 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 7 - One Up - 03.01.24 at 1350

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 00.10.00, Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.35.06 0.25.06 1.0
2 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.35.53 0.25.53 2.0
3 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.35.56 0.25.56 3.0
4 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.36.00 0.26.00 4.0
5 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.36.39 0.26.39 5.0
6 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.37.03 0.27.03 6.0
7 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.37.34 0.27.34 7.0
8 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.38.01 0.28.01 8.0
9 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.38.03 0.28.03 9.0
10 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.38.10 0.28.10 10.0
11 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.10.00 00.38.19 0.28.19 11.0
12   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.38.50 0.28.50 12.0
13 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.39.05 0.29.05 13.0
14 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.39.07 0.29.07 14.0
15 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.39.09 0.29.09 15.0
16 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.39.10 0.29.10 16.0
17 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.39.15 0.29.15 17.0
18 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.39.18 0.29.18 18.0
19 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.39.28 0.29.28 19.0
20 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.40.58 0.30.58 20.0
21 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.42.13 0.32.13 21.0
22 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.42.16 0.32.16 22.0
23 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.42.17 0.32.17 23.0
24 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD     DNC 29.0
24 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic     DNC 29.0
24 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD     RET 29.0
24 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW     DNC 29.0
24 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 8 - One Up - 03.01.24 at 1456

Wind dir: 120, Ave wind: 8
Rank Boat SailNo Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.35.28 0.25.28 1.0
2 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.36.50 0.26.50 2.0
3 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.37.29 0.27.29 3.0
4 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.38.29 0.28.29 4.0
5 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.38.39 0.28.39 5.0
6 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.39.36 0.29.36 6.0
7 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.10.00 00.41.49 0.31.49 7.0
8 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.42.04 0.32.04 8.0
9 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.42.11 0.32.11 9.0
10 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.42.38 0.32.38 10.0
11 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.44.07 0.34.07 11.0
12 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW 00.10.00 00.44.10 0.34.10 12.0
13   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.44.12 0.34.12 13.0
14 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.44.17 0.34.17 14.0
15 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.44.38 0.34.38 15.0
16 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.44.42 0.34.42 16.0
17 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.44.51 0.34.51 17.0
18 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld 00.10.00 00.45.06 0.35.06 18.0
19 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.45.13 0.35.13 19.0
20 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.45.22 0.35.22 20.0
21 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.45.50 0.35.50 21.0
22 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.46.19 0.36.19 22.0
23 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.46.30 0.36.30 23.0
24 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 00.10.00 00.57.03 0.47.03 24.0
25 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD     DNC 29.0
25 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic     DNC 29.0
25 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD     DNC 29.0
25 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 9 - One Up - 04.01.24 at 1130

Wind dir: 130, Ave wind: 8
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.10.00 00.38.32 0.28.32 1.0
2 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.10.00 00.38.59 0.28.59 2.0
3 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.10.00 00.39.31 0.29.31 3.0
4 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.10.00 00.40.59 0.30.59 4.0
5 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.10.00 00.41.08 0.31.08 5.0
6 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.10.00 00.41.20 0.31.20 6.0
7 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.10.00 00.41.30 0.31.30 7.0
8 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.10.00 00.41.34 0.31.34 8.0
9 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.10.00 00.42.06 0.32.06 9.0
10 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.10.00 00.42.15 0.32.15 10.0
11   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.10.00 00.42.34 0.32.34 11.0
12 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld     OOD 11.5
13 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.10.00 00.43.30 0.33.30 12.0
14 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.10.00 00.44.11 0.34.11 13.0
15 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.10.00 00.44.12 0.34.12 14.0
16 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.10.00 00.44.37 0.34.37 15.0
17 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.10.00 00.45.00 0.35.00 16.0
18 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.10.00 00.45.08 0.35.08 17.0
19 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.10.00 00.45.24 0.35.24 18.0
20 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.10.00 00.45.30 0.35.30 19.0
21 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.10.00 00.45.49 0.35.49 20.0
22 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 00.10.00 00.40.32 NSC 29.0
22 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW     DNC 29.0
22 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.10.00 00.42.41 OCS 29.0
22 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic     DNC 29.0
22 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD     DNC 29.0
22 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 00.10.00 00.46.42 OCS 29.0
22 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 10 - One Up - 04.01.24 at 1230

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Wild child 1185 Bundaberg sailing club Foley, Mitchell QLD 00.13.00 00.39.41 0.26.41 1.0
2 WETASASHAG 1287 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Owen, George QLD 00.13.00 00.39.53 0.26.53 2.0
3 Wet As! 1184 LCSC Hackett, Peter QLD 00.13.00 00.40.03 0.27.03 3.0
4 Manaia 1261 Torbay SC Terry Bailey NZ 00.13.00 00.40.51 0.27.51 4.0
5 High Expectations 1376 Hervey Bay sailing club Vockler, Dave Qld 00.13.00 00.40.53 0.27.53 5.0
6 Wetananda 968 Frankston YC Boyes, Andrew VIC 00.13.00 00.41.13 0.28.13 6.0
7 Time bandit 1322 Bundaberg sailing club FOLEY, Glenn QLD 00.13.00 00.41.38 0.28.38 7.0
8 Us & them 1289 LCSC Wood, David Qld 00.13.00 00.41.40 0.28.40 8.0
9 Vitamin Sea 1224 PKSC Richardson, Ian NSW 00.13.00 00.42.17 0.29.17 9.0
10 WHITE KNIGHT 187 BIG RIVER SAILING CLUB INC. Stanton, Nathan NSW 00.13.00 00.44.45 0.31.45 10.0
11 Sea Myles 1371 lcsc Myles, Warren QLD 00.13.00 00.45.49 0.32.49 11.0
12 Getting Weta 1369 LCSC McVey, Todd Qld     OOD 11.5
13 The Cat 1221 Deviot Sailing Club Fist, Tony TAS 00.13.00 00.46.01 0.33.01 12.0
14 Steve Mcqueen 1300 Woollahra SC White, Paul NSW 00.13.00 00.46.24 0.33.24 13.0
15 Breakin wind 964 Big river sailing club Linnett, Bryan Nsw 00.13.00 00.46.25 0.33.25 14.0
16 Salt Water Therapy 1372 LCSC Boden, Jo Qld 00.13.00 00.46.26 0.33.26 15.0
17 Wing It 1319 BVSC David Parker QLD 00.13.00 00.46.27 0.33.27 16.0
18 Willeytippit 453 Bundy SC Koorneef, Bill Qld 00.13.00 00.46.30 0.33.30 17.0
19 Wee Tri 1305 Frankston Yacht Club Harper, Robert VIC 00.13.00 00.46.32 0.33.32 18.0
20   1378 Keppel Bay Sailing Club STANLEY, Bradley QLD 00.13.00 00.46.37 0.33.37 19.0
21 Merlin's Way 923 Townsville Sailing Club / Frankston YC Stallard, Dez QLD / VIC 00.13.00 00.46.38 0.33.38 20.0
22 Captain Cartwheel 1429 Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club Henebery, William Qld 00.13.00 00.48.39 0.35.39 21.0
23 Papa Smurf 1368 PKSC Sullivan, Stephen NSW 00.13.00 00.49.47 0.36.47 22.0
24 OrcaF3 1271 Woollahra Sailing Club Waldon, Geoff NSW 00.13.00 00.50.27 0.37.27 23.0
25 Days like this 1375 Port Kembla Sailing club Porter, Leslie NSW     DNC 29.0
25 Tawhiri 1416 St Leonard’s yacht club and motor squa Baker, Dennis Vic     DNC 29.0
25 Splash 763 Bundaberg GREGORY, Angela QLD     DNC 29.0
25 Weta Magic 1131 Lake Cootharaba Llewellyn, Richard Qld     DNC 29.0

Race 1 - Two Up - 31.12.23 at 1200

Distance: .5, Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12-15
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.24.39 0.19.39 1.0
2 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.26.16 0.21.16 2.0
3 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.26.32 0.21.32 3.0
4 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.26.40 0.21.40 4.0
5 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.28.26 0.23.26 5.0
6 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.29.23 0.24.23 6.0
7 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.25.42 NSC 9.0
7 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     RET 9.0

Race 2 - Two Up - 31.12.23 at 1256

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.28.01 0.23.01 1.0
2 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.29.02 0.24.02 2.0
3 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.29.22 0.24.22 3.0
4 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.29.26 0.24.26 4.0
5 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.30.06 0.25.06 5.0
6 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.30.31 0.25.31 6.0
7 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.31.12 0.26.12 7.0
8 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     DNC 9.0

Race 3 - Two Up - 31.12.23 at 13.45

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.31.59 0.26.59 1.0
2 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.32.09 0.27.09 2.0
3 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.33.05 0.28.05 3.0
4 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.33.54 0.28.54 4.0
5 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.34.29 0.29.29 5.0
6 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.36.08 0.31.08 6.0
7 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.36.14 0.31.14 7.0
8 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     DNC 9.0

Race 4 - Two Up - 31.12.23 at 1442

Wind dir: 090, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.24.51 0.19.51 1.0
2 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.26.13 0.21.13 2.0
3 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.26.16 0.21.16 3.0
4 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.26.21 0.21.21 4.0
5 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.26.26 0.21.26 5.0
6 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.26.27 0.21.27 6.0
7 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.26.36 0.21.36 7.0
8 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     DNC 9.0

Race 5 - Two Up - 03.01.24 at 1200

Wind dir: 140, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.33.57 0.28.57 1.0
2 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.36.16 0.31.16 2.0
3 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.36.54 0.31.54 3.0
4 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.37.22 0.32.22 4.0
5 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.37.53 0.32.53 5.0
6 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.37.59 0.32.59 6.0
7 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.39.08 0.34.08 7.0
8 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     DNC 9.0

Race 6 - Two Up - 03.01.24 at 1257

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 00.05.00, Wind dir: 140, Ave wind: 12
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.35.34 0.30.34 1.0
2 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.36.43 0.31.43 2.0
3 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.36.46 0.31.46 3.0
4 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.36.49 0.31.49 4.0
5 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.38.27 0.33.27 5.0
6 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.38.36 0.33.36 6.0
7 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW     DSQ 9.0
7 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     DNC 9.0

Race 7 - Two Up - 03.01.24 at 1350

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 00.05.00, Wind dir: 140, Ave wind: 10
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.34.45 0.29.45 1.0
2 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.37.27 0.32.27 2.0
3 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.37.42 0.32.42 3.0
4 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.37.46 0.32.46 4.0
5 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.37.52 0.32.52 5.0
6 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.39.17 0.34.17 6.0
7 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.41.58 0.36.58 7.0
8 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     DNC 9.0

Race 8 - Two Up - 03.01.24 at 1456

Wind dir: 120, Ave wind: 8
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.37.58 0.32.58 1.0
2 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.40.01 0.35.01 2.0
3 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.40.40 0.35.40 3.0
4 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.41.00 0.36.00 4.0
5 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.42.43 0.37.43 5.0
6 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.47.36 0.42.36 6.0
7 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld     DNC 9.0
7 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld     DNC 9.0

Race 9 - Two Up - 04.01.24 at 1130

Wind dir: 130, Ave wind: 8
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.40.10 0.35.10 1.0
2 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.41.57 0.36.57 2.0
3 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.42.14 0.37.14 3.0
4 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.42.19 0.37.19 4.0
5 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.42.29 0.37.29 5.0
6 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.42.39 0.37.39 6.0
7 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.45.20 0.40.20 7.0
8 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld 00.05.00 00.45.37 0.40.37 8.0

Race 10 - Two Up - 04.01.24 at 1230

Wind dir: 110, Ave wind: 11
Rank Boat Sail No Club Helm Name Crew Name State Start Finish Elapsed Points
1 The Other Office 1270 LCSC McVey, Ryan Gracie Allan Qld 00.05.00 00.38.28 0.33.28 1.0
2 Sandpiper 1267 Lake Coothrabra Sailing Club Guymer, Timothy Karen Guymer Qld 00.05.00 00.39.21 0.34.21 2.0
3 Curglaff 1226 Connells Point Sailing Club Chidzey, Keith Phoebe Branch NSW 00.05.00 00.39.33 0.34.33 3.0
4 Gone Bananas 1361 Port Kembla Sailing Club Watts, Stephen Annette Hanly NSW 00.05.00 00.39.42 0.34.42 4.0
5 wetandslippery 1237 Bundaberg Sailing Club DALEY, Rodney Fraser Johnson Qld 00.05.00 00.41.55 0.36.55 5.0
6 Begin Again 845 LCSC Wetherall, David Jada Wetherall Qld 00.05.00 00.44.20 0.39.20 6.0
7 Rabbit 1234 Brisbane Valley Sailing Club Bennett, Philip Catriona Bennett Qld 00.05.00 00.45.58 0.40.58 7.0
8 Pimpernel 1367 PKSC Sullivan, Micah Madison Johnstone NSW 00.05.00 00.46.12 0.41.12 8.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.30.02