Learn To Sail

“Is a freedom you can not truly comprehend until experienced. It is a skill well worth your learning.”
William Arthur Ward

Families Learn to Sail

Learn to sail sessions are conducted on most Sunday mornings during the sailing season. The current season runs from September 1, 2019 to April 19, 2020, and the schedule can be viewed here.

Children and adults all welcome. It’s a great way for families to learn together!!

The sessions include basic instruction for beginners and short course racing and instruction for the more experienced.


Adults Learn to Sail

We also offer one on one or small group instruction with some of our experienced sailors, including female instructors for any women who prefer to learn with other women.  This can be arranged at any mutually convenient time using your boat or our club boats.

Club Boats

We have a number of different boat types that are available for learning, if you don’t have your own boat. These include Minnows, Vagabonds, Lasers, O’pen Bics, Pacers and Sailboards.

Other Skills

Race Management instruction and mentoring is conducted for members who are rostered for boat duty or for any other members wishing to learn these new skills. This includes basic powerboat launching & retrieval, course setting, rescue & safety procedures, race starting and time keeping methods. There are also many other courses available for club members, including First Aid Certificate, Radio Licence, Powerboat Handling & Licensing, Assistant Instructor and Instructor courses, Rescue Boat Handling, Safety Courses, Judge Courses, Racing Officer Courses and many more. We are always interested in providing new courses so if you need to learn something relevant to club activities, let us know.


For more information complete the online enquiry form below.


Enquiry Form

To enquire about our learn to sail and coaching please complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.