Training Programs

The Club conducts and facilitates a wide range of  training programs, ranging from an introduction to sailing, right through to more advanced sail tuition, race management and powerboat operation and licensing.  All activities are governed by our Safety Management Plan and COVID SAFE requirements, and all formal training is under the supervision of a registered Australian Sailing (AS) qualified instructor.

Sailing Tuition

We offer a range of  options to suit all needs!

Large group tuition for all ages


Instruction sessions are conducted on most Sunday mornings during the sailing season, beginning early in September and continuing through until April. (Our Schedule of Events for the 2024-25 season can be viewed and downloaded here.)
Students meet at 09:00 in front of the club.
Children and adults are all welcome. It’s a great way for families to learn together!!
The sessions include basic instruction for beginners, and short course racing and instruction for the more experienced.

One on one or small group tuition for adults


This is provided by some of our experienced sailors (including female instructors for any women who prefer to learn with other women) – using your boat or our club boats.

Tuition is available for both total beginners and more advanced sailors.
Sessions are generally held on Sundays throughout the day, but can also be arranged for Saturdays or any mutually convenient time.

We have a range of different types of club boats that are available for tuition, if you don’t have your own boat.
These include Minnows, Vagabonds, Lasers, Arrows, O’pen Skiffs, Pacers and Sailboards.

Both tuition options are available to club members free of charge.
(Information on club membership can be viewed here.)

Not a club member, or not sure if sailing is for you?
For only $10 per day, you can sign up for a temporary membership (SailPass), to attend an introductory session!
“Introduction to Sailing” sessions are available on the first Sunday of the month in conjunction with our large group sessions,
any weekend at our one on one/small group adult sessions.


Bookings for attendance at these introductory sessions are essential as participant numbers are limited.
Please complete the enquiry form below to register your interest and one of our instructors will be in touch to confirm availability of a suitable session.
Be sure to indicate the type of session that you are seeking to attend.

Australian Sailing and Other Training Courses

  • There are many training courses available through Australian Sailing, for which the club does not have the trainers nor facilities necessary to provide. Details of such courses (including Instructor, Club Race Officer and Safety Boat Operator) can be found on the Australian Sailing Resources website. LCSC sponsors members to attend such courses in Brisbane at the Australian Sailing Qld base if required, and from time to time, they are also conducted at the Club by visiting AS Instructors.
  • Coaching may be arranged through the club or through Class Associations in conjunction with the club.
  • The club also conducts annual First Aid and CPI Courses and all members are encouraged to have keep their CPR and First Aid up to date.

Other Skill Development
(outside formal training)

In order to develop knowledge of Race Management, members are encouraged to participate in the running of races whilst they are rostered for boat duty. Learning what is involved in setting courses and running races is a strong precursor to attending courses and then puts into practice, skills learned at the courses.

Mentoring is conducted for members rostered for boat duty or for any other members wishing to learn these new skills, which include basic powerboat launching & retrieval, course setting, rescue & safety procedures, race starting and time keeping methods.


We are always interested in providing new courses, so if you need to learn something relevant to club activities, let us know.

Recreational Boat Licensing

Training for Recreational boat licences is available though the club by arrangement with the club Coach.

For more information regarding sailing and other training, or to book in for an introductory session, please complete the online enquiry form below.


Enquiry Form

To enquire about sailing and other training, or to book in for an introductory session, please complete this form (being sure to indicate the type of tuition that is of interest to you), and we’ll be in touch.